Podcast Doctrine of Salvation Select an Episode ── Doctrine of Salvation ── 1. The Importance of Imputation 2. PSA: Penal Substitutionary Atonement 3. The Active Obedience of Christ with Patrick Abendroth 4. Imputation with Peter Sammons 5. What is Saving Faith? with Sam Waldron 6. Is Lordship Salvation Arminian? with Guest Mike Abendroth 7. Union, Justification, and Sanctification with Guest David VanDrunen 8. Sanctification and Assurance with Guest Mike Abendroth 9. A Baptist vs. Baxter with Guest Tom Hicks 10. Understanding Hebrews 12:14 with Steve Baugh 11. Justification with Mike Abendroth 12. Jesus Secures and Sustains a Great Salvation - E.D. Burns ── Order of Salvation ── 13. The General Order of Salvation 14. The Full Order of Salvation 15. Faith and Regeneration in the Order of Salvation